MPRRC Club Awards
Final Standings for 2022
Outstanding Runner Awards: Females: Deb Matheus Naomi Morita Jeanine Nakakura Annie Marshall Debra Nelson Males: Peter Boksanski Kevin Enriques Michael Cacal Michael Kasomoto Alfred ChunRules for 2022 Club Awards Competition
The Club awards will be based on the individual runner’s best five of the following eight races:
NOTE: Some name changes may occur to Marathon Readiness Series races due to sponsorship deals.
Outstanding Runner awards—five each, Male and Female—will be awarded to the top five runners based on age-graded results. Each runner will have their finish time converted to an age-graded time using age-graded time tables. These tables are produced by WAVA (World Association of Veteran Athletes) and provide a multiplier to convert times to age-graded times.
Next, an average time will be computed for the race using all MPRRC runners’ age-graded times, but first deleting the top and bottom 20 percent to get a more realistic average time by deleting the extraordinarily fast and slow runners.
Then each runner’s age-graded time will be compared to the average time it took all MPRRC runners. This will allow scoring of multiple events. Taking the top five results from the above eight races will decide the placement. In case of a tie, the member who has done the greater number of races wins.
These end-of-the-year awards will no longer be age-group awards. Instead, Top 5 overall awards will be given to both male and female runners.